Getting Started

Get Started Today with Brain Train Centers

Neurofeedback is a safe and effective way to reduce symptoms associated with anxiety, stress, insomnia, depression, ADHD, autism, chronic pain, and other mental or physical health issues. Neurofeedback uses biofeedback to teach the brain to produce healthier neural patterns of functioning. Neurofeedback is often referred to as “the thinking person’s ECT” because it uses the electrical activity of the brain itself to identify and correct its own problems.


We have the tools and expertise to help you get the answers to your questions. Our trained professionals will listen carefully to your concerns and help you sort through your illness. Whether you have a specific diagnosis or are seeking a more general understanding of your health, we can help.

Your Personal History

To help us learn more about your needs, we will make an initial appointment for you to meet with our staff who will discuss several topics including your symptoms, life experiences and goals. This process allows us to have a full understanding of each client to create an individualized strategy unique to you.

What is a QEEG?

The QEEG brain scan gives a detailed reading of the brain’s electrical activity. It’s often more accurate than the electroencephalography (EEG) test. This method shows the location and pattern of brain waves for multiple people. It is used to look for stroke and traumatic brain injuries in those with suspected symptoms..

In the field of neurotherapy, electroencephalography (EEG) may be used before other treatments like neurofeedback or deep brain stimulation. It is used to alter brain waves and train people to change their own. Neurotherapy has been known to help with anxiety, depression and many other mental health concerns without resorting to pharmaceutical interventions.

Get Started Now

Individuals are hooked up to a computer using wires and sensors, the computer records their brainwave activity. These sensors are non-invasive, as no electrical current is put into the brain. Call or Request an Appointment to GET STARTED NOW.