Service Refusal Policy
Brain Train Centers, Inc.
Client Service Refusal Policy
At Brain Train Centers, our Client Service Refusal Policy is important to ensure the safety and well-being of staff and clients while maintaining a respectful and professional environment.
1. Purpose
To provide a safe and respectful environment for both clients and staff by establishing guidelines for handling hostile, aggressive, or inappropriate behavior.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all clients and visitors interacting with our services, including in-person, online, and over the phone.
3. Definition of Hostile Behavior
Hostile behavior online, on the phone, or in person and this includes, but is not limited to:
Verbal abuse (e.g., yelling, swearing, threats)
Physical aggression or threats of violence
Discriminatory remarks or actions
Harassment or intimidation of any kind
Repeated non-compliance with company policies or procedures
Disorderly conduct
4. Procedure for Handling Hostile Behavior
Initial Response:
– Remain Calm: Staff should remain calm and professional.
– Verbal Warning: Politely inform the client that their behavior is inappropriate and must stop immediately.
– Offer Solutions: Attempt to de-escalate the situation by offering solutions or alternatives to the client’s concerns.Escalation:
– Involve Management: If the behavior continues, involve a supervisor or manager to address the situation.
– Document Incident: Document the incident in detail, including the nature of the behavior and the steps taken to resolve it.Service Refusal:
– Final Warning: Issue a final warning that continued hostile behavior will result in refusal of service.
– Refusal of Service: If the client persists, calmly inform them that services are being refused and ask them to leave the premises or end the interaction.
– Security Involvement: If the client refuses to leave or the situation escalates further, contact security or law enforcement if necessary.
5. Aftermath
Incident Report: Staff involved must complete an incident report detailing the event and actions taken.
Review: Management will review the incident and determine if any further actions (e.g., banning the client) are required.
Support for Staff: Provide support for any staff members affected by the incident, including access to counseling or debriefing sessions if needed.
6. Communication of Policy
Staff Training: All staff will receive training on how to handle hostile situations and when to refuse service.
Client Awareness: Signage may be posted in visible areas, and clients will be informed of this policy as needed.
7. Non-Retaliation
Clients have the right to express dissatisfaction, but staff also have the right to refuse service if the client’s behavior becomes hostile. Retaliation against staff for following this policy is strictly prohibited.
8. Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to ensure it remains effective and relevant.